Welcome to the UHS LMC blog. This blog is a tool of the LMC. We can use it for LMC happenings and projects. It is also a place to think and share how you feel about certain topics. Please keep all comments appropriate.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Blogs as a classroom media tool.

Okay, this is what I looked like when I made this blog. So if something isn't quite comprehensible at least you will understand why.

Now to the topic: blogs as an educational tool. I am going to list below some of the ideas I have had and seen using blogs in a classroom setting.

• As a presentation springboard (i.e. what I am doing right now)
• As a communication publication between parents and classroom. Linked below are some examples of this. This type of blog takes the place of earlier non-interactive websites

• As a homework center
• As a book report book review center
• As a persuasive writing tool and precursor to the UBSCT.
• As a take home/out of class test or essay forum for students

• Probably the best tool is actually having the students to create their own weblog as assignments. This will push the students to the high order thinking levels that we so need to promote. Possible blog assignments include:
  • Create a business blog to promote a product.
  • Create a blog to present a biography of a scientist, mathematician, author, etc.
  • Create a blog that introduces a math concept.
  • Create a blog that tests a science hypothesis.
  • Create a student poetry blog

With all these examples you have to be careful and wise be sure to caution students of web dangers and to protect there identities. Before posting student comments you should have parental permission. This should be part of your class disclosures.

Okay now it is your turn...Please post to the comment link below. Tell me your ideas. How can you use blogging as a tool in your own classroom.


Anonymous said...

This post has a lot of useful information, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Have students use a blog to teach how to take care of a pet or an animal.

Anonymous said...

post trip details/ pictures

Anonymous said...

Use as communication with parents for what is happening in class.

Samini said...

Go Cardinals

Anonymous said...

I am pretty stoked about the prospect of using blogs in the future. We come across some controversial topics in Financial Literacy. This would be a great place to share ideas about some of these. For example, is credit really that big of a deal? Is college really that necessary?
I could also post pictures of mock interviews and activities in child development. Tons of possible applications. . . .

Anonymous said...

I love your ideas. I decided last year to use blogs for my students to journal and document their projects. I've been discouraged that my classroom computers are dying - I'm excited to realized that my students can come into the library to do their blogging. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are many valuable ways this could be used in my classes. Responding to and rating films as we watch them through the quarter might be the most interesting to me. At this time in my ancient career, I'm not sure how quickly I would try to use the blogging concept. Not that I'm technically illiterate, I still prefer paper and pencil. Thanks for your efforts in keeping up with the times.

Anonymous said...

Designing a business that sells and buys human kidneys - addressing the moral and financial issues - English and/or Biology

Wm Chamberlain said...

Thanks for the link to my blog. I have found blogs to be useful for general purpose as well as for more specific uses. I find blogs to be great communication tools with people outside my classroom.