Welcome to the UHS LMC blog. This blog is a tool of the LMC. We can use it for LMC happenings and projects. It is also a place to think and share how you feel about certain topics. Please keep all comments appropriate.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Making a WAV audio File

Once your script is prepared, you have practiced several times, and have worked out any problems; do the following to make your recording.

  • Go to vocaroo.com using a browser that has Adobe Flash Player and Quicktime plugins  (On the LMC computers Safari works)
  • Choose the button "Click to Record"
  • When the Flash Player warning pops up click allow (NOTICE: Vocaroo.com will have access to your computers microphone!)   The recording will a start right away. 

  •  When you have finished recording that section click stop.
  • The page will then load.  Find and click on the link that says
  • Name the wav file in the following format:  tim clip #1.   Save your wav file to a easily located  folder on your computer.
  • Continue this process until you have your entire script saved in audio clip wav files.
  • If you are doing this on a computer that is not the one where you are making your movie, you will need to transfer these files using email attachments, a flash drive, a disk, Google Docs, etc.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011

    Promoting the LMC

    For our district media meeting we have been asked to share ideas that we have used or may use to promo our LMC. So here it goes. On occasion I use this blog to promote the library.  It would be  more effective if I were more consistent in posting.  To be truly effective as a promotional tool a blog needs to acquire a following.  That said let look at some recent happenings in the UHS LMC.

    We had a sunflower seed estimation contest. The flowers were on display in the LMC. The kids were amazed to learn that the sun flowers we so large. Students who wanted, could make and estimate of how many seeds each blossom held. After several weeks we counted the actual number of seeds. Tanner Wheeler guessed closest on the big flower guessing 2010 seeds. The flower actually had 2005 seeds! On the smaller flower, there were 1915 seeds and Brock Davis came in with the closest estimate of 1945.

    Another thing that has created interest in the LMC is the use of Christmas book trees.

    Mrs. Niebergall created these. The kids and staff have loved them! It is the most use we have gotten out of those encyclopedias in years!

    Have you seen Uintah Co. Library's old-book-mobiles?  They are incredible.  They can be seen going up the stairs to the juvenile section. This is one in progress.  Mrs. Niebergall has tacked this as her homework project.  The finished product will look like what you see below.  It was found at http://www.instructables.com/id/Book-Xmas-tree .

    In addition, Mrs. Niebergall added a display of old Christmas classics.

    Another promotional idea is to display student work.  Yes, even in high school.  I have been talking about multimedia copyright with the juniors as they create argumentative videos.  The students were divided into groups and then had to create posters to explain part of fair-use guidelines.  A few years ago I bought long paper hanging strips to hang posters.   I can know easily display what the students learn and the students feel more connected to the LMC.   Hopefully this creates a sense of ownership and they will feel comfortable coming into the LMC anytime.