Welcome to the UHS LMC blog. This blog is a tool of the LMC. We can use it for LMC happenings and projects. It is also a place to think and share how you feel about certain topics. Please keep all comments appropriate.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Biology Classes - Genetic Research

I am so excited for this research.  To help you follow these steps.

  1. Go to Easybib.com and log in.  If you don't have an account please create one.
  2. Go to "All Projects" and choose "Create New Project" and give your project a name.  Use MLA7 as the style.
  3. Under the notebook took define your topic and thesis statement.
  4. Using your biology book find a quote or idea that supports your thesis
  5. Make a note in Easybib to identify this idea.
  6. Using Easybib create a citation for your Biology book.  
  7. Find other sources, and repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have at least 5 sources.