Welcome to the UHS LMC blog. This blog is a tool of the LMC. We can use it for LMC happenings and projects. It is also a place to think and share how you feel about certain topics. Please keep all comments appropriate.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for Technology

Technology is growing at such an alarming rate that it is hard to keep up with all that is available. Some people invest hours daily to stay on top of all their electronics. They have to make sure that their cell phones, PDAs, mP3 players are all charged and the files updated. They have to keep their Facebook or other social networking accounts current. Emails and texts have to be answered. Where do you stand with respect to technology? Are you addicted? How do you justify the time you spend on technology?


Anonymous said...

Technology is useful, but only if used right, otherwise it will take over your life. The time you spend using the technology needs to be balanced,with other activities such as sports or other such activities

Anonymous said...

I think that technology is good in some ways like taking important phone calls, or for emergencies. Having an email is a good way to keep in touch with friends you havent seen in a long time. Having a cell phone is good to have like if you get stranded out somewhere you can use your phone to call for help. You can use your phone to use as a reminder like an appointment, or a meeting.

Anonymous said...

i think that technology is very useful in our daily lives, we don't need to use them all the time but at least we know we can depend on them if we need to.

Anonymous said...

Technology is the future, in order to know what is going on in our lives and what is to come we need to stay updated on the current technology and keep learning about the new programs and such that comes out.

Anonymous said...

phones should be used in school, i pod too if the teacher isn't talking

Anonymous said...

Yes we should have phones in school cause they can help in a way!!!!!!!!!!! BINGO

Anonymous said...

Cell phones and ipods rock!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my cellalure device..

Anonymous said...

Without technology were would we? Yes i do text all day everyday. i have to listen to my i-pod because without my music i get distracted and can't focus. So as all other people i need my technology just as everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Technology is very important, its one good way to keep in touch with friends, your job etc.

Anonymous said...

technology is best. we should get to use our cell phones so that we can keep in touch with our parents or relatives in emergency. and it should not be banned because what would students do for entertaining other than teachers with their humurous personality?

Anonymous said...

technology makes me happy.:) it is good to be able to talk to people whenever we need to. i like my cellular telephone.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a phone, some people do get carried away, but its the best way to stay in the loop. This way people know whats up.

Anonymous said...

Technology is important because it's such a big part of EVERYONE'S daily life. We should be able to use OUR technology as long as it isn't distracting us from what's important or what's going on.

Anonymous said...

I think technology is good, and people should have cell phones. Its a good way to keep in touch with everyone.

Anonymous said...

I love my cell phone, and texting. I communicate mostly through texting. I text and listen to my i-pod all day everday. I personally think everybody should have a phone and everyone should know how to text.

Anonymous said...

Cell phones are important I use my cell phone everyday after wrestling practice to call my mom and get a ride so without it i would be stuck and the school or walking home everyday

Anonymous said...

I think that technology is a great tool that could be used more for learning. I think that the rules regarding cell phones and ipods in schools could be a little less strict. Let us use our cell phones in class.

Anonymous said...

Technology helps us humans learn and create the new life styles of the every day human. Without technology their would be no cure for cancer. We students need the the cell phone to communicate and to be human and have a life instead of living with your parents the rest of your life. technology is the only thing that lets us the students out in the world. Although technology needs to be used in the correct manner and use it smart and not to be an addictive past time.

Anonymous said...

WEll ipods and Zunes are very useful, help us relax pregame music.

Anonymous said...

to me technology is a good thing in our life yeah it does get in the way ALOT. its a waste of time during school and it takes time away from learning in my opinion. i dont have a cell phone durning school and i do great and have good grade because it is interfering with my education yes i will agree that it is a good idea to have something to use for important calls or reminders. technology is a amazing thing phone, mps, PDA wise. but not at achool one bit

Anonymous said...

Technology is the root of all evil. We must ban this pandemic before it gets out of control, but it would seem we are too late for that, because it is out of control. In fact, it's so out of control, I'm using technology to tell you how bad technology is. Stop the Madness, we cannot live in a world full of communication and advances in medical science. It will not last.

Anonymous said...

I think technology is great as a tool. However, I do believe that many people get completely carried away with it. Students always talk about using it to keep in touch. How often do you actually have quality time with the people you are keeping in touch with? Do you ever get to focus on the things that are really important, or are you too preoccupied with your technology toys? On Thanksgiving Day my brother came to dinner at my parents house. He spent the entire time at the dinner table texting and talking on his phone. We need to use etiquette with technology; there is a time and place for it. We need to show respect for others as we use technology. Remember that it is a tool, not the center of our existence.